There are two medical institutions in Japan, "hospital" and "hospital".
"Clinic" is sometimes called "clinic" or "clinic".
When you get sick or injured, you first see a doctor at the doctor's office and, if necessary, receive specialized treatment at "hospital".
When a serious illness is found at the clinic, we will present a letter of introduction to a big hospital.
When you go to the hospital, if there is not a letter of introduction from the doctor's office, you may have to ask for money.
In advance, let's investigate what kind of medical institution exists in the neighborhood of the house.
I will look at various illness including internal medicine cold.
If you do not know what sickness you should do, you should go to the department of internal medicine first.
Treatment related to surgical injuries) and surgery.
I will see all children's diseases up to pediatric primary school students.
Treatment related to bones, joints, muscles such as orthopedic fracture, sprains, back pain.
Obstetrics and gynecology pregnancy) · I will look at the illness of childbirth and women.
People who are in Japan for 3 months or more will enter public medical insurance.
There are two types of public medical insurance, Okayama.
The first is "health insurance".
People who work in the company and their families enter.
Insurance premiums are automatically paid from your salary.
The second is "National Health Insurance.
International students, presidents and individual business owners will be included.
The premium is reimbursed at the office by yourself.
In order to enter insurance, I will go to the National Health Insurance Division or Insurance Pension Division of the municipality with a foreign registration card.
Please be sure to pay insurance fee.
When you pay insurance premiums, only 30% of the amount of money you pay when you treat at the hospital.
Sometimes money will come back when it costs a lot of treatment.
In case
Medical institutions that have people who can speak a foreign language can search from the following website.
"JMIP" site
"JIH" site "
"Tourism Agency" site
People living in Fukuoka prefecture can use the service of "Fukuoka Asia Medical Support Center".
I can ask for an interpreter.
"Fukuoka Asia Medical Support Center" site
Stop interpreting as much as possible to families and friends.
【REI Yu 1】 Medical words are easy to make a mistake when interpreting because of obscure words
【REI 2】 The burden of the interpreter's heart is large
【Riu 3】 To protect privacy
Let 's summarize the doctor' s things you want to ask a medical institution.
Be sure to bring your health insurance card.
If you do not have a health insurance certificate, you will have to take all of the medical care money yourself.
You should not have a health insurance card with another person.
Let's bring your identity card with your face photo to show that you are the principal.
※ Residence card · passport etc.
← health insurance card
There are many medical institutions that can not make a reservation.
You can see it from the people who have arrived earlier.
Therefore, it may take 1 to 2 hours if it is crowded.
However, there are medical institutions where reservations are important.
It is good to check in advance.
I will write an application form for examination at reception.
Print multilingual questionnaire slip in advance
It would be nice to take it with you.
The doctor will see you when the reception is over.
We may inspect others as well.
You can choose a medical institution yourself.
You can not choose a doctor yourself.
When there is something worried about money, words, religion, etc.
Let's consult with one of the medical institutions.
I will pay it after the examination and examination has ended.
The way to pay is mainly cash.
There are medical institutions that can use credit cards and electronic money, but there are a few
Even if you are the same as other people, there is a chance when the contents of examination and examination differ.
When there are a lot of medical care money (80, 100 yen per month, 100,000 yen per year, etc.)
Tax may be made easier.
Let's keep the receipt.
When I receive "prescription" at the time of treasurer, I go to "dispensing pharmacy" and get medicine.
We will pay the medicine money here.
* Medical institutions and pharmacies are often divided.
When there is a pharmacy in a medical institution, you can receive medicine at the time of treasurer.
When there is a pharmacy in the medical institution, the payment of medicine is also included in accounting.
If you get "prescription", please go to the pharmacy and take medicine without the 4th.